2015年3月21日(土)、京都烏丸御池の「Samurai Cafe & Bar SHISHIN(士心)」にて字天ナイトを開催いたしました。


今回「新ことば」をお送りしたのはFlorida Stateから来られたBrooke Griffinさんです。

You have traveled Japan long, and you said that the thing that impresses you the most in Japan is places in snow such as rural areas in Niigata. Yes, Japan has places that have snows the most in the world.
You came from Florida – the origin of the name of your home State is “flowers” in Spanish. Yes, Florida is flowery and sunny. So it must be amazing for you to see snowy landscapes in Japan.

In East Asian cultures there are three favorite beauties by tradition. They are written as 雪月花 (setsu-getsu-ka). That means “snow, the moon, and flower”. People have long loved landscapes with these three.


I and calligrapher Yagi Suigetsu made kanji for you through modifying three traditional beauties. It is 雪心花 (Setsushinka).

雪 (setsu/yuki) means snow. It is a beauty you came and enjoyed here in Japan.
花 (ka/hana) means flower. It is a beauty of your home State Florida.
Add to them, we inserted kanji 心 (shin/kokoro) – heart.
雪心花 describes that two beauties outside wrap one beauty inside.

「新ことば」Live字天ナイト at Samurai Cafe & Bar SHISHINは、来月も開催する予定です。